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Screenshoty - Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time

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Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
















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Telltale Games
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Je vůbec možné cestovat časem? Jistě, kdekdo by rád podnikl výlet do budoucnosti, aby se podíval, co se stane, a následně si třeba namastil kapsu dobře zvoleným tipem v sázkové kanceláři. Zcela nepochybně by se našli i tací, kdo by se chtěl podívat na své budoucí já, anebo, což zní možná ještě zajímavěji, navštívil své minulé já a varoval jej před něčím, co zásadně změnilo jeho život. To by však narušilo časoprostorové kontinuum a upravilo události tak, že by třeba dotyčný ani do minulosti cestovat nemohl. Cestování časem zkrátka není možné, což nevadí, na hrátky se zákony časoprostoru zde máme science fiction, a právě nyní i novou adventurní sérii z prostředí trilogie Návrat do budoucnosti, jejíž první epizoda nese název It’s About Time.

Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
Back to the Future: The Game - Episode 1: It's About Time
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