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Návod - Gothic 3

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Gothic 3
















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Piranha Bytes

JoWood Productions
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Pokračování úspěšné série o bezejmenném hrdinovi, který prochází světem plné magie a nebezpečí aby naplnil svůj osud. V minulém díle náš hrdina zabil mocného Nemrtvého draka, čímž na chvílí odvrátil hrozbu. Vrací se zpět do pevniny, ale mír a klid ho tu nečeká, neboť jeho domov je pod kontrolou Orcu...ke komu se hrdina přidá? *Haianh*

Autor: El Kamil , Filip Richter "Tonyskate" , Paulie a Lexis

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XXX - Abeceda her - vše co potřebujete pro hry

Gothic 3

Nevíte-li si rady v nějakém úkolu, pište na Gothicz Fórum do zákysů.

Seznam úkolů poskytl server gothicz.net

Tip: Použijte vyhledávací funkci (ctrl+F) internetového prohlížeče (Mozilla Firefox) a začněte psát počáteční písmena názvu hledaného úkolu.

01. Hlavní linie

* Destroy all major rebel camps
* Find all the fire chalices of the Fire Mages
* Find out for Rhobar what Xardas is planning
* Find out for Zuben what Xardas is planning
* Find the teleporter rune that takes you to the king
* Find the crown
* Find the divine ring of life
* Find the divine ring of magic
* Find the five artifacts of Adanos
* Find the robe
* Find Xardas
* For Beliar
* Kill Rhobar
* Kill the orc chieftains
* Kill Xardas
* Kill Zuben
* Liberate Myrtana!
* The divine artifact of Trelis
* The staff of the Eternal Wanderer
* Throw the fire chalices into the sacred fire

02 Al Shedim

* Explore the ruin fields of Al Shedim
* Find the 3 scrolls of the scholars
* Find the 5 tankards of the healers
* Find the 7 figures of the warriors
* Find the 7 stone tablets of the priests
* Find the 10 urns of the guardians of the dead
* Find the fifth temple key of Al Shedim
* Find the first temple key of Al Shedim
* Find the five keys for the temple of Al Shedim
* Find the fourth temple key of Al Shedim
* Find the second temple key of Al Shedim
* Find the third temple key of Al Shedim
* Notify the nomads at Al Shedim
* Open the temple of Al Shedim
* The liberation of Al Shedim

03. Ardea

* Gorn shows you the rebel's hideout
* Jack and the bilge rats
* Jack's rebel gold
* Kill the shy deer
* Liberate Ardea from the orcs

04. Bakaresh

* A lesson in hospitality
* Bring Amul the merchants' tribute
* Convince the merchants
* Defeat Achmed in the arena
* Defeat Irhabar in the arena
* Defeat Mufassa in the arena
* Find Sinikar
* Just a favor
* Liberate Bakaresh!
* Nomad raiders
* Nomads and raiders
* Report from the south
* Report from the north
* So much for Aldo!
* Support
* The crawlers' nest
* The fight for the title
* The ruins of Bakaresh
* The temple of Bakaresh
* Three caskets
* Words are not enough...

05. Ben Erai

* A job for Sancho
* An unexpected message for Sigmor in Bakaresh
* Bounty hunting: Ben Erai
* Bounty hunting: Hurit
* Bounty hunting: Yespas
* Crawler hunt
* Dirty doings
* Liberate Ben Erai!
* Lukar had better get out
* Slaves for Lago
* Swampweed for Vasco
* Talk to Vasco
* Ten cactus flowers
* The tunnel of Lago

06. Ben Sala

* Escort Miguel safely to the village
* Saving Ben Sala
* Six crates of steel
* The Cursed One!
* The ruins
* The tunnels

07. Braga

* Aila
* Bernardo's tribute
* Bounty hunting: Asaru
* Bounty hunting: Braga
* Bounty hunting: Malir
* Bounty hunting: Taklar
* Dark snapper leather
* Escort Riordian
* Follow Tufail!
* Jose's tribute
* Luca's tribute
* Preparations for the liberation of Braga
* Snapper hunt
* The chalice of the water vendors
* The liberation of Braga
* The ruin fields of Braga
* Tribute from Braga

08. Cape Dun

* A plague of bandits in the coastal region
* Bring his goods back to Urkrass
* Bundles of weapons for Phil
* Cyrus needs booze
* Defeat Darmok in the arena
* Defeat Fadi in the arena
* Destroy the rebel underground in Cape Dun!
* Harek wants meat
* Healing herbs for the alchemist
* Help Harek escape!
* Kill all hungry wolf packs around Cape Dun
* Lamp oil for Ardea
* Liberate Cape Dun!
* Pelts for Jens the hunter
* Steal 3 golden goblets from Urkrass's warehouse
* Take Harek the slave back to Gamal
* The alchemist's chest
* The captured paladin's belonging
* The quartermaster in Cape Dun needs healing potions
* Wenzel cleans up
* Wenzel's lost sword

09. Faring

* Ali's artifact
* Become a champion of the arena in Faring
* Booze for Mojok
* Break the last resistance of the Morras!
* Bring Ur-Gosh three king's sorrel plants
* Defeat Goran in the arena
* Defeat Moff in the arena
* Defeat Mortis in the arena
* Defeat Rozhov in the arena
* Defeat Spike in the arena
* Defeat Vigo in the arena
* Defeat Tukash in the arena
* Distribute booze to the orcs
* Eliminate the goblins in the ancient ruins of Faring
* Forging in Faring
* Go lurker hunting with Wilson
* Kill the lurkers
* Kill the three trolls in the hills near Faring
* Liberate Faring from the orcs!
* Making booze with Tippler
* Rocko's cave
* Sell the skin to Gnar for 500 gold coins
* Take Ali's gift to him
* The castle of Faring
* The hunters of Faring
* Troll hunting with Mitch
* Wolfskins for Gnor

10. Fire Clan

* A teleporter stone for Lee
* Acompany Rathgar to the cave tombs
* Akascha's ancestor stone
* An ancestor stone for Rathgar
* Angir's tomb
* Armor for Thorald
* Baldar's tomb
* Berek's tomb
* Duel with Sivert
* Ejnar's helmet
* Ejnar's tomb
* Find the orc shamans
* Hunting orcs with Kaelin
* Hunting with Leif
* Kill the orc shamans
* Killing orcs
* Liberate Nordmar!
* Orc camp wiped out
* Raw materials for Kalan
* Snorre's tomb
* Ten sabertooth teeth for Leif
* The power of the ancestors

11. Geldern

* Bring more eager slaves to the wolf mine
* Bring Nemrok the artifact from the ruin in the north
* Bring Renwik the rare plant king's sorrel
* Bring the shaman Grimboll some sulphur
* Defeat Dimitar in the arena
* Defeat Gembak in the arena
* Defeat Kulak in the arena
* Discover the secret of the druid Runak
* Find the first paladin's helmet
* Find the orc's druid search party
* Find some eager slaves for the wolf mine
* Follow the particulary eager slave to the wolf mine
* Gembak wants to rough up Ivan, the renegade mercenary
* Golden plates for Lares
* Gunock, the lazy orc
* Hamil, the audacious artifact trader among the slaves
* Jared the artifact trader wants to meet Lares
* Kill the druid hunting party from Geldern
* Kill the druid Runak
* Kill the druid Torn
* Kill the leader of the southern druid search party
* Kill the threatening snappers outside the sulphur mine
* Kill the tunel wolves in the wolf mine
* Kill the unholy mercenary Ivan
* Liberate Geldern from the orcs
* Mobilize the people in Geldern for Torn's druid stone
* Namrok expects a delivery of gold from the mines
* Namrok expects a delivery of sulphur from the sulphur mine
* Open up the mine north of Geldern and kill all vermin there
* Talk to Samuel about the destroyed mine
* Teach Mirzo a lesson
* Tell the orcs about the abandoned mine in the north
* The orc shaman Grok wants all the fire chalices
* The secret of Mazin, the Hashishin merchant
* The seven ancient rings of the alchemists

12. Gotha

* Defeat Portos
* Free Gotha from its curse
* Hunting demons with Gorn
* Rebuild Gotha
* Rescue Gorn from the orcs in Gotha

13. Hammer Clan

* Bridge orcs
* Follow Mort to the Fire Clan
* Follow Mort to the lower mine entrance
* Follow Mort to the Wolf Clan
* Go to the prospectors' camp with Hauke
* Hauke needs ore
* Hidden ore
* Hjalte is hungry
* Hjalte is thirsty
* Ketil braucht 12 Bisonfelle
* Kill the Boss of the Valley
* Kill the minecrawler in the prospectors' camp
* Making booze with Ugolf
* Ore for Ugolf
* Tjalf's chest

14. Ishtar

* Arena fight - Emet
* Arena fight - Makas
* Arena fight - Musan
* Arm the slaves
* Customs in Varant
* Jackal attack
* Master of combat
* More jackals
* Potions for the slaves
* The fight with Surus
* The instigator of the ore theft
* The skins of the rotten beasts
* The test of the Hashishin
* The valuable bowl
* The wells outside the city
* Three pack leaders
* Training materials
* Zarkos

15. Lago

* Bloody bloodflies
* Bounty hunting: Shakyor, the desert lion
* Escort Vatras safely to Hurit
* Fight against Grubuz
* Fight against Mamuk
* Find out who the prisoner is!
* Liberate Lago
* Lurker trophies
* Sibur's fuzzy dreams
* The stone of the lion

16. Monastery

* Bring Aidan the secret of the druids
* Mana plants for the Monastery
* Mana potions for Pyran

17. Montera

* A message for Okara
* Basir wants his old gold casket
* Bring Marik proof that Ashton embezzles gold
* Collect the rent for Domenik's farm
* Cowardly goblins in the night
* Defeat Dan in the arena
* Defeat Fedor in the arena
* Defeat Goose in the arena
* Defeat the champion Ashton in the arena
* Defeat Ugo in the arena
* Dennis wants Bradley to go easy on the slaves
* Do away with Sanford
* Eliminate the rebels positions around Montera
* Find the stray wolves and kill them
* Folleck is asking for it
* Follow Arakos to find the orc patrol
* Get rid of the slave camp guards
* How Loyal are the orcs' mercenaries
* Change of shift in the slave camp
* Kelvin goes back to work in the temple
* Kelvin the slave wants certainty
* Kill the cattle in the stock yard
* Let the mercenary Trano know his pay has been cut
* Liberate Montera from the orcs!
* Make Folleck go back to work in the castle yard
* Make the tired mercenary leave the rebel's meating point
* Marik wants Bradley's slave list
* Milk for the warehouse keeper
* Porgan's druid stone
* Report to the leader of the orc's mercenaries in Montera
* Return the stolen slave list to Bradley
* Rufus escapes from the grain farm
* Sobota wants Dan's slave back
* Sobota wants Thorek's slave back
* Stoneroots for the druid Porgan
* Tell Dennis that Bradley needs a new slave
* The grain thieves must go
* The slave Leon is working in the temple again
* The slave Rufus wants to go to Okara
* The thieving orc patrol
* Thorek wants magic ore for his smithy
* Wheat for the warehouse keeper
* Yorik needs old weapons

18. Mora Sul

* A sword for Gonzales
* A tasty present
* A woman for Gonzales
* Alima
* Artifact trade
* Debt and debility
* Defeat Angar in the arena
* Defeat Anktos in the arena
* Defeat Oelk in the arena
* Defeat the fat guy
* Defeat the Paladin in the arena
* Discreet business
* Eight endurance potions for the slaves
* Eliminate the commanders of the undead in the fields of ruins
* Eliminate the orcs at the temple of Mora Sul
* Escort Mezir safely to Murat's oasis
* Find the fifth temple key of Mora Sul
* Find the first temple key of Mora Sul
* Find the fourth temple key of Mora Sul
* Find the five keys for the temple of Mora Sul
* Find the second temple key of Mora Sul
* Find the third temple key of Mora Sul
* Follow Cruz to his old campsite
* Follow Kayor to the meeting point outside Mora Sul
* Follow Merdarion
* Follow Mezir!
* Get rid of the fearless desert racers
* Gold for Gonzales
* Hassan
* Hector's gold
* Ilja wants an artifact from the temple
* Injured sandcrawler
* Kaffu wants his gold back
* Kaffu's guards
* Kalesh wants the temple keys of Mora Sul
* Kill all Water Mages
* Kill Saturas, the head of the Water Mages
* Kill the Water Mage Cronos
* Kill the Water Mage Merdarion
* Kill the Water Mage Myxir
* Kill the Water Mage Nefarius
* Kill the Water Mage Riordian
* Kill the Water Mage Vatras
* Kirk and the desert raiders
* Liberate Mora Sul!
* Open the temple of Mora Sul
* Orknarok the temple slave
* Presents for Gonzales
* Promissory notes for Gonzales
* Punish the slave Yussuf!
* Ramirez, the missing Hashishi
* The man who killed Ramirez
* The Moonblade
* The soul chalices
* The way to Merdarion
* Yasmin
* Yussuf disappears

19. Nemora

* A message for the rebel Charles
* A new man for Nemora
* Bring Russel the goods from the desert
* Bring Treslott the rare plant herbaceous lobelia
* Clean the orcs out of the farm west of Trelis
* Cross the pass to Varant with Karlen
* Destroy the rebel camp Nemora
* Finley attacks Trelis
* Finley gets all set to attack Trelis
* Hengley the farm raider
* Karlen the paladin shows you the desert
* Karlen the paladin wants his magic back
* Kill the three monsters north of Nemora
* Rebels stole the rent from Farmon's farm
* Tell the leader of Nemora about the rebel's situation at the temple of Trelis
* The renegade paladin at the pass to Varant must die
* Weapons for Nemora
* Who's boss in Nemora?

20. Okara

* A homeless prospector
* A rich mine
* Booze for the prospector
* Bring Mannig some iron ore
* Candela should go to Okara
* Clean out the mine with Randall the fighter
* Fraser should go to Okara
* Go boar hunting with Fraser
* Hunt the nasty shadowbeasts
* Hunt the nasty wildboars
* Kent should go to Okara
* Kill the undead that Rakus summoned
* Malicious ripperbeasts
* Okara needs more people
* Rakus the Fire Mage should go to Okara
* Randall should go to Okara
* Rescue Rakus the Fire Mage from the cave of the undead
* Take Okara apart!
* Two shadowbeast horns for Candela

21. Reddock

* Bring the Fire Mage Sebastian some healing plants
* Clean out the southern caves of Reddock
* Defeat Cooper in the arena
* Defeat Joey in the arena
* Defeat Topork in a duel
* Destroy the rebel camp Reddock
* Eliminate the orc patrol on the farm
* Find the rebel underground in Cape Dun
* Free Kliff from the orcs on the farm
* Get rid of the roaming orc patrol between Reddock and Ardea
* Kill the aggressive wild boars
* Reddock need a smith
* Take Kliff to Javier, the rebel leader in Reddock
* Talk to the leader of the rebels
* Weapons for the Rebels in Reddock

22. Silden

* A package of wild berries for Stan the fisherman
* Bring Lukjan the hunter the money for the pelts
* Brontobb will stand guard in the city. Denpok needs to be told
* Defeat Jarock in the arena
* Defeat Jaroll in the arena
* Defeat Trompok in the arena
* Defeat Will
* Denpok needs to know that Frillock is guarding the town now
* Denpok should be told that Irmak is guarding the town now
* Follow Lars to the pass to Nordmar
* Follow Pavel to his hunting cabin
* Free the Nordmarian Lars from the prison camp
* Gancka is staying in the town now. Denpok needs to be told.
* Go snapper hunting with Falk
* Gambal the cook needs heaps of raw meat to feed the orcs in Silden
* Grompel know the way to the rebels at the Nordmar pass
* Hatlod's lost tools
* Hunt the silver wolves with Bram
* Improve your reputation in Silden
* Inog needs five bundles of weapons for the resistance
* Inog secretly helps slaves escape
* Irmak's halbert is missing
* Kadok is missing his smith's hammer
* Kill snappers around Silden
* Kill the shaman Grompel
* Kill the slaves who escaped from Silden
* Kill the strange lurkers by the river
* Kill the undercover rebel
* Kill the wolves around Silden
* Let Anog know that his brother Inog needs help in Silden
* Let Inog know that his brother Anog cannot help him
* Liberate Silden from the orcs
* Quadir's hunt for a new slave for Silden
* Rescue a Silden slave from the wilderness
* Roasted meat for Frillock
* Supply the convict Jerek with roasted meat
* Supply the convict Jerek with weapons
* Take the fish barrels to the mill
* Take the hunters' delivery of pelts to the mill
* Take the orc's shipment from Nordmar to Anog the rebel
* Talk to the warlord Umbrak about supplies
* The orcs need a smith for Silden
* The warlord Umbrak wants Anog the rebel leader dead
* The wood from the prison camp must be brought to Givess the warehouse keeper
* Tragak wants to see the town shaman Grompel in Silden

23. Trelis

* Ben the servant needs his shovel
* Clean out the undead caves
* Cole the farmhand wants to go to Nemora
* Conquer the castle of Trelis
* Destroy the orcs in and around the temple of Trelis
* Did the rangers devastate the farm?
* Find out what is wrong with the western farm
* Find the runaway alchemist Avogardo
* Help the shaman Kamak leave the temple
* Hothead Ben needs to be taught a lesson
* Kamak's artifact
* Kill the grunting creatures below Josh's farm
* Kill the sneaking ogres in the woods
* Kill the thieving goblins near Derec's farm
* Milok is looking for his old sword
* No deliveries arriving from the eastern temple
* Ransack the castle of Trelis
* Ransack the farms
* Search for survivors in the temple of Trelis
* Sneaky goblin raid on Derec's farm
* Take Avogardo the alchemist to Trelis
* The orc warrior Pranck needs healing potions
* The orc warrior Pranck wants twenty healing potions
* The paladin Konrad wants his magic back
* The suspicious cave near the farm
* Vak needs fifty thousand gold coins for the Hashishin

24. Vengard

* Bring Abe bread for the castle
* Bring Abe roast meat for the castle
* Bring hammers to Vandorn for the castle
* Bring saws to Vandorn for the castle
* Bring Keldron weapons for the castle
* Bring pickaxes to Vandorn for the castle
* Destroy the orcs' ring of siege outside of the barrier
* Destroy Vengard, the capital of the humans
* Eliminate the five leaders of the orc siege inside the barrier
* Find the lost paladin Thordir
* Help the paladin Thordir to get to the castle!
* Take Marcus' fire chalice to the head of the Fire Mages
* Take the paladin Georg to Cobryn, the commander-in-chief of the paladins

25. Wolf Clan

* Bag the deers on the plateau
* Duel with Hogar
* Eliminate the orcs' war party
* Follow Graypelt to Xardas's tower
* Free the bridge in the north
* Garik needs booze
* Goblin attack
* Ham for the woodcutters
* Kill the sabertooths outside the woodcutter's camp!
* Meat for Graypelt
* Pelts for Jensgar
* Take Ronar to his hunting cabin
* Take the ice wolf skins to the Wolf Clan

26. Ostatní

* Made it to Varant
* Take Nefarius to the tomb of Haran Ho
* Secure the tomb
* The fat bastard is dead

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